Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Blogs vs. Wikis

Blogs and wikis have similarities and many differences. They are both created by users. They both can be viewed by anyone who is interested. They do have plenty of differences though. A blog is created by one user and that person puts in there whatever it is they want. Then other people can read it and post their comments on whatever was posted. A wiki is less personal. A wiki is less opinion and there is nowhere to comment. Wikipedia can be edited by anyone but it is a bit more controlled. As the CNN article "Wikipedia: No longer the Wild West?" stated, Wikipedia has decided to get volunteer editors who would double check select articles on people who are still alive to verify the accuracy of the information. Blogs do have their uses for collaboration. If one person has a blog about a specific topic, another person could have a blog about something similar and they could get together, through their blogs, and do things together. An example that comes to mind is in the collaboration of music writing. People can fuse their creativity together. In trying to think of a use for wikis, this has probably been done but maybe if a group has a research project that needs to be done everyone could collaborate and build the project on the wiki. Everyone can see what has been done and they could plan accordingly for what is needed. If anyone notices a mistake they themselves can fix it. Blogs and wikis may have their uses but they are equally important.

1 comment:

  1. I agree that they are both equally important. But it is also important to identify what the intention of the user is so that he/she can distinguish whether the blog or wiki will communicate the purpose more effectively; whether to the public or to a specific target group..
